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Printer Barcode

Barcode Printer, is a printer designed specifically for print out barcode designs and other articles and images with quality in accordance with the ability of the installed thermal head, starting from 203 dpi, 300 dpi, 600 dpi and so on. there are a number of things that are the reason why you should buy a barcode printer, the first reason, as the name implies. Barcode printers, so it is certainly special for specific barcode printing, because the printout results that have been made and printed, then after that there is the Scanning stage, where the level of sensitivity that will affect when compared between print results with barcode printers, laser printers, inject printers and others, it is certain that barcode printers can prove more qualified, but there is a time when laser printers are better, but the process eventually takes longer and inefficient, in my opinion, why is it inefficient and ineffective, because after printing, it must be cut to size first, so there must be a next process that still has several stages, whereas if you use barcode printers because you can directly use specific paper sizes then it can be more fast, can be used immediately, print a little too do not waste material.

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